Top 5 Explosive Upper Body Strength Exercises For Athletes

How To Inhibit Muscle Breakdown While You Sleep?

Learn A to Zzzzzz of supplements to build muscle mass while you’re sleeping! If putting on muscle mass is your primary goal – and, really, what other goal is there?

Protein Power: Not Just for Muscles (Part 2 – Appetite Control)

The importance of dietary protein goes far beyond muscle building. This article looks at the effect of protein on a few key hormones that influence appetite.

Healthy Living – Make Cooking at Home Part of Your Lifestyle

Most health problems today are primarily a result of indiscretion: most illnesses are self-inflicted. Not always of course, but it is predominantly the case we are at fault, and we could have done much better. Nutrition is a big part of it. What we put into our body matters a lot more than you may think. Food is more than just fuel. However, even on that note, think about it this way. If you owned a luxury car like a Bentley or a Ferrari, would you opt for a “low-grade” fuel? You need to treat yourself as you deserve, and it is the very best.

Protein Power: It’s Not Just for Muscles (Part 1)

Protein is a significant dietary component, despite the fact that some sources claim it’s not essential. This article looks at the vital things protein does for the human body.

8 Tips For Eating Healthy While Traveling

Eating healthy while traveling can be a challenge. Luckily, it’s totally doable with these 8 simple strategies.

Occam’s Razor: Cutting Sugar Down to Size

What causes sugar cravings and addiction? Most explanations center on emotions and behaviors, but I prefer to keep things simple. This article discusses why the brain chemistry of sugar addiction the simplest explanation.

Dieting Made Simple: An In-Depth Look at What You Should Be Doing

Have you tried dieting in that past and found that it has not worked for you the way that you had expected it to or hoped that it would? You may have been dieting the wrong way. This article looks at what is actually happening within your body when you eat certain foods and how dieting the right way can benefit your health.

Natural Detox Diets For Long Term Health

With so many chemicals in everything we eat, it is quite difficult to keep all the junk out of our systems and only eat the health stuff. The good news is that even after consuming unhealthy food, although many toxins stay in our bodies for a while, it is always possible to get rid of them. For clearer skin, increased energy, and better health overall detoxification diets are becoming increasingly popular.

How to Kick Start Your Day With Healthy Habits

According to Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” It is a fact that a good day starts with healthy habits, some quiet time to be at peace with you and successful routines to set the perfect tone for the day. When you start the day with an excellent habitual behavior, you set the stepping stone for a successful day.